Acts wasn't orderly!
Revival is here, but if we are so focused on being orderly in the church, we will miss it!
When the Spirit of God is being poured out it looks anything but orderly---see Acts. The Apostles were even mistaken for drunks!
Very soon the Church will have to adapt or be left behind when this move of God shakes the earth. We have to quit trying to justify control of services with "God loves order."
God loves to see His Bride surrender to the move of His Spirit.
We have to stop quenching the flow of the Spirit with the religious spirit of order.
We have to be okay with embracing a messy move of His Spirit. The religious spirit of order is holding many in the Bride back from the Glory, back from His Presence, back from being His hands and feet in the earth.
I saw many in the Church with their fists tightly clenched around their bulletins, their agendas, their old way of doing things. Their knuckles were white from so tightly gripping to the old systems of religious control and order. Then I saw the Lord sadly shaking His head. He wanted to hold their hands as they worshipped Him in their services, but their fists were so tightly clenched they couldn't grab ahold of Him.
We have to be willing to let go of order and control in order to grab hold of revival.
Don't fear the messiness, Beloved!
Don't fear the Glory because what is coming will be greater than anything you have ever experienced before if you will just SURRENDER TO HIS SPIRIT.
The spirit of compromise is no longer quietly whispering words of wooing in the ears and hearts of believers. Compromise is boldly speaking, turning hearts away from surrender to the Holy Spirit and towards bondage.
I see many in the Spirit right now just giving in to what sounds good in the moment, forsaking the instructions and directions the Lord has spoken to them to go the way of compromise, the way of the flesh.
This is a season of surrender unto the Lord, a season to crucify the flesh so the spirit can arise with resurrection power. LET GO of what you are holding onto, so you can hold onto the Lord.
What is coming in the earth is going to REQUIRE surrendered spirits. It is going to require a deeper level of sacrifice to see His Kingdom come in the earth, but also in your personal life!
Let go of bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, addictions, compromise, control, comfort! Let go to let God!
May our heart's desire be to SURRENDER TO HIS SPIRIT!!
February 6, 2023
-Jenny Johnson
Originally published February 6, 2023 @